Prescott Community Freenet Association Prescott, Arkansas 
Mural at West Main and West First in Prescott, courtesy of Ragsdale Printing    PCFA
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 In memoriam, Charles Ray Cross Saturday, April 20, 2024, 1:00 am CDT 
The PCFA.ORG domain was stolen from us, and we have not been able to get it back.
Therefore, we are now known as went back on line April 15, 1996, after recovering from the April 1, 1996 fire at Prescott High School. The community showed extraordinary support by contributing over $10,000 in about two weeks to pay off PCFA's original debt and purchase the new server!

The Prescott Community Freenet Association, operators of was founded on April 25, 1995, by Charles Ray Cross, Eddie Daniel and Danny Stewart.


PCFA is operated by the Prescott Community Freenet Association.
History of PCFA
E-mail coming FROM a PCFA address is bogus. Ignore and/or delete any messages from @PCFA.ORG.

Resources at PCFA

Nevada County Genealogy
Maps of Nevada County
Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspapers

Other Web Sites

These web sites have their own domain, but are still hosted on the same server system as PCFA:

Depot Museum Web Page
McKelvy Nevada County Cemetery Survey
Sandyland Chronicle
Jerry McKelvy's monthly publication.
PHS Class of 1973

Prescott Community Freenet Association 

This page is copyrighted ©1995-2024 by the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Web hosting for PCFA and other domains provided by Danny Stewart. URL:

Mural at West Main and West First in Prescott, courtesy of Ragsdale Printing