Prescott Community Freenet Association Prescott, Arkansas 
Mural at West Main and West First in Prescott, courtesy of Ragsdale Printing    PCFA
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 In memoriam, Charles Ray Cross Thursday, March 6, 2025, 8:44 pm CST 
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Comments left August 1995 - November 2009 (most dates before 2000 are approximate). From July 1995 to February 1998, we were known as Since then, we have been PCFA. Sorry, but after November 2009, we no longer accept comments because there is no longer an administrator for this site who can eliminate all the SPAM that gets posted.

I have an old book in my library that I also found online, "Pioneer Days of the Holiness Movement in the Southwest" by CB Jernigan. It mentions Piney Grove Church in Prescott. Could you add this information to the "History of Piney Grove Church" page you have on your website. Thanks! "In 1895 holiness was preached in southern Arkansas by Rev. Will Scott, a Methodist Protestant minister. These meetings were in Prescott and vicinity. He was assisted by Rev. Daniel Awrey. In 1893 Rev. David Holmes, pastor on the Emmet circuit, preached holiness and the people called him "that crazy preacher." He secured the assistance of Dr. W. A. Dodge, of Atlanta, Ga., for a meeting which resulted in a great revival and many were sanctified, among them Brother Dean, B. F. Steele, and Mrs. Duke. In 1896 a mass meeting of the holiness people was called and the old Main Springs camp meeting was established, with a Holiness Camp meeting Association formed for its promotion, and the following trustees were elected: B. F. Steele, president; George Terry, secretary; R. R. Garland, J. B. Hannah, J. T. Coulter, William Moore, John Loudermilk, James Loudermilk, and Wilborne Honea. This camp secured Mrs. E. J. Rutherford and Rev. Sam Franks as the preachers for the first camp, Mrs. Rutherford going back each year for ten years, with other evangelists. This has been one of the noted camps of the South. In the early days, Rev. W. J. Walthall, a Baptist preacher, was gloriously sanctified, and began at once to preach holiness, to the utter contusion of his own people. He was invited to Piney Grove church, seven miles from Prescott, to assist Pastor Kelley in a revival. In this meeting Rev. Mr. Kelley and two-thirds of his members were sanctified, and Kelley began to conduct regular holiness meetings in his church. This stirred those who did not get the blessing, and the opposers to holiness declared that Rev. Mr. Kelley was no longer a Baptist and asked him not to preach in the church any more. He gave no heed, but went on with his revivals. They cited him to trial, and when the vote was taken two-thirds of the church voted to retain Kelley in the church. They then brought in a minority report, declaring that all holiness professors were not Baptists, and ordered them not to use the house any more. When the next Sunday came they found the house securely nailed up, and properly posted against the use of the house by the holiness people. Rev. Mr. Kelley proceeded to pry the door open and the crowd went in and he preached and the altar was full of seekers. The next Sunday the house was nailed again by the anti-holiness crowd, and an injunction filed in the district court against them using the house any more, and a suit for possession of the house was instituted, and a lawyer employed. Judge J. O. A. Bush offered his services as an attorney free to the holiness people. He was not a Christian then. He bought some standard holiness books, to learn what the doctrine of holiness was, and read himself under conviction, and in the meantime attended a Methodist revival and was converted. He also bought some book on Baptist theology, to learn the doctrine of the Baptist church. Pendleton's "Manual of Baptist Churches" was introduced, and when the jury returned the verdict, they gave the holiness people the use of the church, declaring them the lawful Baptists, according to their own theology. This so enraged the anti-holiness Baptists that they went out and built another church close by. Rev. W. J. Walthall organized the holiness people into the Holiness Baptist church. This is the church that refused to go into the church union at Rising Star, Texas, when the Church of Christ and the Independent Holiness church united." (Rev. Andy Harris, Bossier City, LA,, 2009-11-19).

I graduated form PHS, looking for information about the 1986 class reunion. (Carolyn Malone , Little Rock Arkansas,, 2009-07-07).

i have pictures of what graysonia arkansas is today. have an a.t.v? i ride down to graysonia quite a bit. need help finding something or just want to see what this area looks like in present day please email me at btw, the kiln building is still standing and contrary to what every one else says, the mill ponds do still hold water.(quinten, amity,, 2006-11-29).

I see you list the old Possum Trot line in your website. Can you tell me more about it, or direct me to the link. Your site says it will be back up and running in the future, but no indication as to when. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, LG(Lee Gildon, San Antonio, Texas,, 2006-11-12).

I hope all my old friends in and around Prescott have a wonderful christmas and a safe new year....God Bless....From the Hanning and Yancey Families....doug(Doug Hanning, Fayetteville, Arkansas,, 2006-11-10).

My Dad took the family for a ride on the Possum Trot line, the Reader RR when I was a small kid. I did a search tonight trying to find some reference to it and found this site. Can you give me an update on whether the line is in operation or not? I'm taking a trip back there in a week and would like to stop back in the area. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Lee(Lee, Bright Star, Arkansas,, 2006-11-06).

I was pleased to see this page up. I too have many lovely memories of growing up "Prescott". My Grandparents "Tiny" & Owen Billingsley are no longer with us but the family and friends they brought into my life are online thanks to you. Lori Smith(Lori Smith, Raleigh, NC,, 2006-04-11).

Does anybody remember in 1996 when the Curly Wolves were defending the state title..That year we had a better team than the team that won the title the previous year.It would have been the 1st time Prescott had won back to back championships since the 70's...The day before the 1st game I was called off the field and told that I was not elgiable to play..I was starting at runningback and free safety and probably if you were to ask anybody, I was the best athlete on the team..Coach Jackson probably would vouch for that(gosh o mighty hopson....We lost in the semi-finals to Osceola by a touchdown...Nashville won state..If i would have played ,we would have won that game...I left the next year back to texas at the Marine Military Academy for a post grad year and was welcomed a division 1 offer to almost every big school in the country...I felt like Prescott could have at least let me get back on the team after 5 games like schools in Texas...Does anybody Know why Prescott didn't let me play that year......I'm sure Don Crane knows....They should have said something before i finished two a days practice with team,not the day before the 1st game...If anybody knows why i couldn't play please e-mail me'm still bothered by this today....other than that I love your web site and makes me still proud to say that i'm from Prescott...(COWIN, LITTLE ROCK, COHO601@YAHOO.COM, 2006-01-02).

Trying do run "Homemakers' Survey on your PC" from the Nevada Co Genealogy page. Getting FTP error, invalid login. Suggestions?(B Martin, Spring TX,, 2005-05-15).

I am presently waiting for the email to inititate my account for access to your wonderful pages. I have a genealogy page at that involves the Stevens and Shurtleff family, many of whom are buried in Nevada County. I saw yourl ink section of homepages and thought that my page might help others.(Anne Stevens, Merced, CA,, 2005-03-24).

I am director of Southwest Arkansas Regional Archives in Washington, AR. We have thousands of sources for genealogists. We recently received a grant from the Arkansas Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities titled "A Searchable Database of all Schools since Arkansas Statehood in 1836 in Twelve SW Arkansas Counties." Those counties are Columbia, Hempstead, Howard, Lafayette, Little River, Miller, Nevada, Ouachita, Pike, Polk, Sevier, and Union. Go to our website, and click School Project to see the names of schools from GNIS (National Geological Survey) in those counties. We already have many more schools to add to the list. If you have any information about a school that you could share with us, please write to me at Our grant is for $21,982 which we matched with $21,982 with donations from groups and individuals including the Arkansas History Commission, South Arkansas History Foundation, Friends of SARA, and Military Road DAR. We are still accepting donations. Thank you, Faith Riley(Faith Riley, Washington, AR,, 2005-01-07).

Does anyone have a mailing address for Reader Railroad? Thanks, John Augustin(John Augustin, Cincinnati, Ohio,, 2004-11-10).

How To Find, Meet And Date A Beautiful Woman by Bob Lott ISBN 0966363558 is a high tech dating book for men thats available on Lott, Palm Springs, Fl 33461,, 2004-07-13).

Hey! What a nice surprise to find this website. I was surfing the web for pictures of the Possum Trot and stumbled on this site. Both my parents and Grandparents and GG's grew up around Prescott- Bluff City and Terrapin Neck to be exact... If you run into any Meador's or Barlow's, tell them their cousin in Texas says Howdy! I spent many summers up there and would love to hear from anyone that way......(Christie Meador-Arsenis, Manvel, Texas,, 2004-06-15).

I would like to to give a big thank you to Ted Kirby, someone whom believed in me. I am currently working on my second B.S. degree from the Univ. of Idaho and hopefully attend graduate school in the future. I remember being told that I should just join the military, "that is what you need". Those were the exact words, I did need the military to grow up and become a man. But, for someone to have a school representative shut them out is just wrong. Please, do not get me wrong, Don Crane was a good school rep, but only for those chosen individuals. He made me feel like I would never get into college or if I did, make it. I am not here to prove him wrong, I just wanted to say that this is the problem that is faced by many students. The teachers and reps. of the school still do this. I have many stats on this very issue. It is easy to teach the ones you think can be taught, it is a challenge to teache the ones you think cannot learn. I hope the Prescott school system has changed since then, I still feel like I had something taken away from me. (Chris Beck, Washingtom,, 2003-11-12).

i'm still searching for Mems McKinnon if anyone knows her class of 96 , her mother is Debbie McKinnon she was the middle school nurse, and her dad is Norman McKinnon ... if anyone could help me find an old friend i'd appreciate it . thanks , (kendra merck, san diego california,, 2003-09-12).

My maiden name was "Grayson" and my Great Grandfather, William Garyson, started Graysonia, Arkansas and the lumber business there. I have the family Bible and plans for the town as well as articles written in the Lumberman, etc. My grandfather, Walter E. Grayson was involved and was a brother to George H. Grayson who ran the mill in Arkansas. Any additional info and/or photos would be sincerely appreciated.(Barbie G. Erickson, Phoenix, AZ,, 2002-05-31).

Would anyone, by chance, have any idea about the cost of a cotton scale (new) when they were first produced; and/or how much one might cost in 2002. I have a friend who brought an old cotton scale from Arkansas and now would like to sell it. I cannot locate a value for it. Thanks. McClain, California,, 2002-04-20).

I am trying to locate a USAFSS buddy that grew up around Prescott, Charles D. (Danny) Hooks. I understand his dad Doyle ran the "Easy Pay Store" years ago. Obviously Danny doesnt live around there anymore, so if anyone knows where he can be reached, or if you know a family member that I might contact for info, please send me a message Thanks you.(C. A. Russell, Dublin, Georgia,, 2002-04-03).

I was assigned duty in the USAF in Germany, early 60's, and one of my friends there was Danny Hooks. I believe his family was from Prescott. If anyone knows where he can be reached, I would appreciate the contact. Thanks.(C. A. Russell, Dublin, Georgia,, 2002-03-01).

I lived and went to school in Prescott for 9 years. My brothers, KC Merck and Shawn Jensen, and I moved in 91. KC is now engaged and living in Oregon. Shawn is married with 2 boys in California. I am happy with San Diego. Anyone who remembers me is more than welcome to e-mail. Or if you know Mems McKinnon, please give her this message. Class of 1996.(Kendra Merck, San Diego CA,, 2001-06-01).

Could you please send me the address for the Nevada County Library and post this on your web page? It would be helpful for those of us who send letters to the library with simple queries accompanied by SASE. Thank you in advance. (Michael Hurdle, Hendersonville, TN,, 2001-03-31).

Your website is great! It has really made a difference in my research, and I thank you for it. On Friday, some other family researchers are arriving to see what they can find in the family history. You have helped that effort a great deal. Thank you! (Connie Ward,, 2000-10-25).

Thanks for all the hard work. Those of us who do not get back to Prescott as often do appreciate every thing you do. It keeps us in touch with our genealogy. Was real excited to see the cemetery update. Haven't seen everything on the site, so will definitely visit again. (Linda Gail McBrayer Kucera,, 2000-09-13).

Hello! My name is James Hairston. I was raised (from adoption in 1948), along with my sister, Ruth, in Prescott. I graduated with the class of '62, PHS. I have a deep-seated love and kinship with Prescott. My father, Glenn G. Hairston, MD, practiced medicine in Prescott for many years (He was a past Citizen of the Year there). My Step-Mother, Max Hairston, nee Kitchens, still resideds in Prescott. I love your site! It brings back a flood of emotion and makes me feel "at home" again, even though I now live in Hope. Thank you for the opportunity to contact you folks! God bless! (James Hairston,, 2000-06-01).

I am looking for copies of old maps of Nevada County. Maybe someday you can add these maps to the site. Thanks. I really enjoy what you all have done with this project. (Shane Westmoreland,, 2000-01-05).

I also sent comments to the genealogy page. I'm glad to see the page. I'm a graduate of the class of 1964 and note that we missed our 35th reunion this year. I return quite often to Prescott and enjoy the peace and quiet. Gotta run. I hope my classmates will contact me. (Dennis White,, 1999-12-15).

This is one of the most informative County web pages that I have seen so far. I don't know of much that you have left out. I have found so many of my relatives, and there are a lot, that it is unbelievable. I like the way everything is so organized. The only thing missing is all the census rolls, but I realize that takes time. Thanks so much. (Anna Brown,, 1999-08-15).

I recently visited your site and was very impressed. I especially enjoyed the archives from the Picayune. I attended Prescott schools from 1963-1970, however moved before I could get my copy of the 1970 "Wolf Trails". I wondered if there was a possibility of getting a copy of that yearbook. Please advise (if you know) how I could acquire one. Thanks again for a great site. I will certainly visit it again. (Pam (Puckett) Harcrow, 220 Aaronfield Road Benton, AR 72015,, 1999-04-15).

I just found your page, and I thought it was wonderful. Thanks for all your good work. (Charlotte Kaufman,, 1999-01-15).

I graduated from PHS in 1968 & would like to hear from others who were there in the 60's. (Linda (Wood) Howell,, 1998-11-15).

Hello, just found this site and was glad to see that you had letters from some old classmates. I graduated in 1972 and was lucky enough to go to the 10 and 20 years reunions and look forward to the 30th. If any classmates read this write to me and let me know how you are. Would be tickled to hear from anyone from Prescott. (Cris Williams Lewis,, 1998-10-15).

Hello from Larry Fincher PHS class of 1972. I have been surfing the net for a month now, and just now got around to looking up Prescott. I have lived almost everywhere you can live in Arkansas, and I can say that Prescott is the most "wholesome" place I have seen in the state...except Conway, where I live now. (Larry Fincher, ???, 1998-09-15).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to PCFA. You will never know how much you have given me. There is no way I can tell you what the net has meant to me. Take care and thanks for all your help in providing PCFA to the community. Be Happy. (Jim Cross, Prescott,, 1998-07-15).

Hi to all graduates of 1978. It is about time for our 20 year class reunion. If anyone from the class of '78 is interested in reunion details please contact Mona Haynes Phillips, Pam Morrow, Tommy Glass, Gary McCauley, Darlene or Kenny Wiley. I know all listed here still live in Prescott. We are trying to find out everyones addresses so we can send info and find out who all is interested in a class reunion. If anyone out there knows someone that graduated with us in 1978 please pass the word about this. Thanks.. (Pam Morrow,, 1998-02-15).

Hello from a member of PHS Class of 1986. Just got on the Internet last week and came across the site today while sifting through some Arkansas info. Great job!!! Say hello to the Tidwell family when you see them. Please post my e-mail address. I would appreciate hearing from anyone, especially fellow members of the Class of '86 (sorry I missed the reunion). I've done a good job of defending Arkansas' honor since I left for the Navy!!! (Nathan Tidwell, Jr.,, 1998-02-14).

Coach David Maxwell Rocks! (Adam Creek,, 1997-12-15).

In response to the Sports Alumni, let's do the same for band. I'd like to hear from any of ya! (Gary Dale Cearley, International Logistics Management, Ltd. 7 Nguyen Bieu, Hanoi, Vietnam tel. 844 733 1322, 733 1323, 733 1427 fax 844 733 1323,, 1997-11-15).

The PCFA.ORG is great! When my mother visits us from Prescott, she doesn't have to wait for the Picayune to arrive in the mail. Hello to any 1955 PHS grads out there. (Herloise M. Thompson,, 1997-10-15).

I enjoyed finding this site, I found an old friend that I had not spoken with in many years on here. Thanks. Please include my e-mail address on your list. (Mary Cottingham-Hughes,, 1997-10-14).

Hello Prescott. It's great to see you on the Web. To my former classmates of the graduating class of 1979... send me an e-mail sometime. (Bobby Cockman,, 1997-10-13).

What a surprise!! I typed in Prescott Arkansas on a whim and was totally shocked upon seeing a web page. It is a great service provided to a small community. I graduated high school in Prescott in 1978 and am now an Intelligence Officer for the U.S. Army. It is imparitive in my job to know what is happening all over the world all the time. The internet is one of my best sources for unclassified information. I encourage you to keep up the good work you are doing and to try to get more people involved. Hopefully the Prescott schools are incorporating computers and the internet into their criteria. For people who do not have the opportunity to travel the world over, the internet is the next best thing. Once again, great job. (Jody Baker,, 1997-09-15).

It was fun to read about Prescott on this web page. You have done a good job! Hello to mother and daddy! (Mary DeLamar Byrd,, 1997-08-15).

(User's name withheld) has had a wonderful experience with the PCFA.ORG this summer. Thanks. (PCFA.ORG user's parent, Prescott, (withheld), 1997-07-15).

Thanks so much for your response regarding the critical need of our young friend. He has had surgery and is responding quite well given the circumstances. We appreciate the warm and thoughtful messages we received. (PCFA.ORG user, Prescott, (withheld), 1997-07-15).

May I give all of you a pat on the back! I have been on Wolfden for a little over a month, and have loved every second of it! You guys do a great job! Though at times it may seem God isn't there, he always has and always will be. He loves YOU! (PCFA.ORG user, Prescott, (withheld), 1997-07-15).

George Haynie's idea about helping classmates etc.. find each other. . . It sounds like a great idea. Have you heard anything about the class of 82 having a 15 year reunion? (Keith Hall,, 1997-06-15).

HI! My name is Karen DeYoung, and I graduated from PHS in '96. I'm going to college at the UofA here in Fayetteville. I've been using the internet since I came to school here, but this is the first time I've visited the PCFA.ORG. I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed. The internet is changing the way the world communicates, and I'm very happy to know that Prescott is keeping up. The PCFA.ORG is very imformative. I can keep up with the news from Prescott by accessing the Picayune over the internet. I really enjoyed visiting the PCFA.ORG. Keep up the good work! (Karen DeYoung,, 1997-05-15).

Chuckle, grin, snort -- I love your common sense approach to these thorny Internet service provider issues! My grandfather lives in Prescott, along with a number of other relatives. I was born there (long story), but I grew up in Houston. I stumbled across your server while doing some genealogical research. I live in the Dallas area. I work for MCI Systemhouse, a computer services firm. I have spent the last few years working on Internet technologies. I have a Linux system in my lab, and I am amazed at how much work you can get out of an Intel box when yo u take Windows off of it! It looks to me like you have managed to put together a great Internet service. I hope folks in the Prescott area appreciate this! Keep up the good work! (Greg Hubbard,, 1997-05-15).

It would be nice to see pictures with the html on the newspapers segments for those alumni out of state or country to keep up with the goings-on of the community. Also, do you think it would be possible to sumbit articles to the local paper about individuals formerly from the community (just an idea). (Carlos Nassar,, 1997-05-14).

Hi, y'all. My parents were born and raised in Prescott, and they sent me your website address. . . kudos to you for creating such a great website and helpful service for your community. (Janie Wilkerson,, 1997-04-15).

Dear site designer, Great Job. I think you did an excellent job on your site. I like to honor you with my award. I would just like to thank you again for the great site. (Stephen Cohen, President Interkid Networks,, 1997-04-14).

As a former student at Prescott High (1976) and now a PhD student at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, I am glad to see that Nevada County is being represented on the internet. Who says small towns are behind the times? I enjoy being able to read the Nevada County Picayune on-line also. I am a former resident of Rosston and would enjoy seeing the local news from there occasionally. Keep up the good work! Go Wolves! (Lisa Williams,, 1997-03-15).

Boy am I upset!!! You left out the metropolis of Laneburg. There was a school there in 1971. I graduated there that year! I still have family in your neck of the woods and get there often. I like your web page! (Bo Jarvis, Brandon, Mississippi,, 1997-03-15).

My name is Mark Hall and I now live in Nashville, TN. I graduated from Prescott High School in 1992. I think it is great to be able to visit Prescott once again on the internet. Thanks! Keep up the good work. (Mark Hall, Nashville,, 1997-03-11).

You have a neat page - rather unique with the wolf sounds. I have one request...please update the Reader Railroad page - how's its renovation coming? Who do I call for more information? (Ken Ziegenbein,, 1997-01-15).

Great home page. I have not seen the likes for a community supported home page in all my browsing. But; I came here to ask a question. (see genealogy page) . . . Keep up the good page. Thank You. (Dave Anderson, Bloomingdale Ohio, Late of WVA, or, 1997-01-14).

Re: Nevada Picayune - This is a good newspaper. You need more sports articles of your high school athletes. I like to read about sports. I play for the Dequeen High school football, basketball, and track, and on a last note we are going to kill Cedric Flemons and the Wolves when we play them. (annoymous,,, 1996-12-15).

Just love your site -- love being able to find links to many of the political sites in one area. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work. (Audry Walker,, 1996-12-14).

Hey PCFA.ORG. Nice Web site! (Frank Ferguson, Principal, Drew Central High School,, 1996-11-15).

We will visit Prescott Friday night as the Atkins Red Devils come to Prescott. Visit Atkins High School's homepage for the latest "Red Devil" "wolf killings." ( (Admin's comment: Prescott won 31-13) (Atkins, 1996-11-15).

I believe that this homepage is a great idea and wish that our school had one. (Jake Hampton, Stamps,, 1996-10-15).

Keep up the good work on PCFA.ORG. (Pat Reese, Early Childhood Coordinator, South Central Service Co-op (formerly from Prescott), Camden,, 1996-10-15).

I wish to "Thank You" for placing a link to "A Cajun Family's Recipe Book" under Subjects, Home Economics. I have placed a corresponding link back to your site in our "links of Thanks" school section. Keep up the good work (Merlin Bodin,,, 1996-09-15).

This is a very interesting home page. I am attending a globe workshop at the UA-Fayetteville. We were looking at different web sites and found yours and I really do like it. (Dennis Thurman, Drew Central High School, Monticello AR 71655,, 1996-08-15).

We finally got on the internet.!! Just letting you know you can be expecting our monthly contribution. What a bargain! (PCFA.ORG user, Prescott, (withheld), 1996-08-15).

The PCFA.ORG is great! I know you're very proud of it. (from nearby school system, 1996-08-15).

Thanks to all involved for providing this excellent service to the community!! Well done (PCFA.ORG user, Prescott, (withheld), 1996-08-14).

I think it's good and shouldn't be changed at all!! (PCFA.ORG user, Prescott, (withheld), 1996-08-13).

Just noticed (7:09 p.m.) that PCFA.ORG is 1 year old. Congrats! (PCFA.ORG user, Prescott, (withheld), 1996-07-24).

July 24th marks a great day in the life and times of Prescott and the people who subscribe and support PCFA.ORG. One year old, and PCFA.ORG has brought so much joy to so many. As one who is truly thankful for PCFA.ORG, and especially for Danny Stewart, there is no way that "thank you" and a few dollars a month can express my gratitude. (PCFA.ORG user, Prescott, (withheld), 1996-07-15).

I read of the PCFA.ORG in the Picayune. I was born and reared in Prescott, but have been away many years. On a recent trip, I was appalled to see the damage to the high school, but I am glad to learn of the quick recovery of the computer network and that school went on even under trying conditions. For your information a newspaper clipping about the band which named itself "Prescott Curlywolf" has been sent to John Teeter at the Depot Museum. Greetings to everyone in my favorite town! (Irma Hamby Evans,, 1996-05-22).

I grew up in Prescott and was totally amazed to be reading this page in New York City. It looks great and is a treat to be able to read the Picayune, etc. (Doug Fairchild, 1996-05-15).

I am a student at Stamps High School in Stamps, Arkansas. I am really enjoying your home-page. I hope that next year our school can set a goal to have our own home-page as well. Keep up the good work. And try to keep COOL!(ha,ha) ((withheld), Stamps, (withheld), 1996-04-15).

I am so glad you are back in business! (Carol Ann Duke, K-12 Counselor, Taylor Public Schools,, 1996-04-14).

Glad to see the Den back on line; I happened to be in Prescott . . . when the fire occurred. I'll get a contribution to you before to long. You've got a really good Web page going. I really enjoy being able to check on the local doings in my home town from New York City. (Al J. Daniel, Jr., New York City,, 1996-04-14).

Thanks PCFA.ORG. Holly's Health Mart and Home Medical Equipment recently made a sale to a woman in Switzerland as a result of her finding us under the "Businesses" section of PCFA.ORG. She inquired about a device that allows blood pressure readings to be made and recorded utilizing computer software that tracks readings and trends. Holly's was familiar with such an instrument and provided her with information about it. The following day, we received an order for this device. It was Holly's first international sale. Again, thanks PCFA.ORG for allowing us to access the international market place! (Holly and Mike Ross, Owners, Holly's Health Mart and Home Medical Equipment, Prescott,, 1996-04-13).

I was surprised and delighted to see such a good looking page on the web from ya'll! . . . I was especially delighted to see your local media URL's featuring "The Nevada County Picayune" and "The Gurdon Times". I sold "The Gurdon Times" to John and Betty Ragsdale last year and became a html publisher on the web, so it is especially gratifying to see the "Times" in my medium of choice. I come from four generations of publishers of "The Gurdon Times" and I'm sure that each generation would be as thrilled as I am! (Clay Franklin, Internet Publishers of Arkansas,, 1996-03-15).

I just wanted to thank everyone who is responsible for Wolf Den's continued success. As a soon-to-graduate accounting student, I can't begin to describe how valuable this service has been. We are very lucky that so many people in this area see the need for PCFA.ORG. Many of the larger surrounding areas STILL have no access to a Freenet Association. So, donate when you can to help us stay alive. Also, CHEERS to the unselfish people who keep us running and improving. (PCFA.ORG user, Prescott, (withheld), 1996-03-14).

Very good home page. You have put alot of work into it. Keep it up, Thanks from Arizona. (Jeff Godwin,, 1996-03-13).

Nice home page. (Garry Robinson,, 1996-03-13).

This site keeps looking better and better... good job. (Les Williams, Instructional Support Specialist, Arkansas Public School Computer Network, 1996-03-12).

What a page! Congratulations on having the page(s) I most want to emulate. Great job! I have spent hours following your Links and recording them in my "Favorites" (bookmarks). (Linwood Davis,, 1996-02-15).

PCFA.ORG has added nothing but pleasure to my computing experiences. (PCFA.ORG user, Prescott, (withheld), 1996-02-14).

Took a "look" at the site last night. What can I say other than it is GREAT! This is a PRIME example of what I personally would like to see every school in Arkansas have. I can not think of any project that is of greater benefit to our young people, than setting up a site and being able to "talk" to the entire world and exchange their personal ideas and views with others all over the entire world. Please feel free to call on me anytime or way I can ever be of service to you. Best Wishes (e-mail to Arkansas State Senator Mike Ross) (Jim Gaston, Member, Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commission, 1996-01-15).

I'm really impressed with the amount of information I can find out about Prescott. Keep up the good work! (Mark Dill,, 1996-01-14).

GREAT JOB on your homepage. Keep up the great work. :-) (Troy Lewis,, 1996-01-13).

Hello! My friend and I need to relocate the nation's capital for a project in school. We need to find an Ideal location and with the information we've gathered so far, we think you're it! . . . Could you please send us some interesting information about your town? (Admin's Note: These students later named Prescott and Nevada County the first-runner-up in their search!) (Caitlin McGarty and Amalia Jimenez,, 1996-01-12).

PCFA.ORG is a better bargin than AOL, Compuserve, and Prodigy. (Bill Cross, 1995-12-15).

I appreciate all that you've done to make this dream come true. (PCFA.ORG user, (withheld), 1995-11-15).

Hey! Cool thing you did here with the new name server. I can now use SLIP anytime! I have never seen WolfDen so busy! This place is the "Online Mecca" of Prescott. (PCFA.ORG user, (withheld), 1995-11-14).

Enclosed is check for $25.00 to help support the Wolf Den. It's indeed a pleasure to avail myself of its resources. (PCFA.ORG user, (withheld), 1995-11-13).

Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy the Wolf Den. My hat is off to you. I think you have do a GREAT job of putting this together. If there is any way I can help please let me know. I want this system to be the best in Arkansas, and I think it can. I will help with the money end as much as I can. I know right now I will send $10.00 a month. (PCFA.ORG user, (withheld), 1995-11-12).

I just would like to thank all of the contributors of PCFA.ORG. They make it possible to read the Picayune over the net! Thank you very much. (Ryan Hobbs,, 1995-10-15).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all involved in putting PCFA.ORG together and making it available to the community. This is a HUGE PLUS for their unselfish acts of kindness. The work and time away from family or other activities so that people like us in rural areas might enjoy some of the big city perks. Again THANKS A MILLION. (Jim Cross, jcross to wd_users, 1995-08-15).

Thanks to PCFA.ORG, I can now communicate with a friend in the Ukraine. (PCFA.ORG user, (withheld), 1995-08-14).

The List Processor adds the touch (for) PCFA.ORG (to have) input and output (with) the rest of the world. . . Now if the power can stay on. (PCFA.ORG user, (withheld), 1995-08-13).

Prescott Community Freenet Association 

This page is copyrighted ©1995-2025 by the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Web hosting for PCFA and other domains provided by Danny Stewart. URL:

Mural at West Main and West First in Prescott, courtesy of Ragsdale Printing